Managing my computer setup

This file outlines how my computer is set up. With all the tools that I usually use. By documenting this using literate programming am to be explain the use of tools and maintain a consistent development environment across different machines. This only provides a snapshot of my current setup, however the latest version can be found in my github repo.


Emacs & Org-mode

Org mode is a tool that enables me to document my configuration files and practice literate programming. The tool is one of the awesome many features that you can utilize when you are using Emacs.

Below I outline a few features that I am using to help to keep the documentation concise and reproducible.

source blocks language

In org mode you are able your something called source blocks that can define code snippets. We are able to use different languages by placing it in the header below.


print("hello world")


echo "Hello World"


Tangle is the process of exporting these source blocks. There are a few features we can use to customize how we tangle these source books.

One of the first things one can do is of the export source blocks to a particular file which is done with a header argument.

sudo apt-get install firefox

This will export the file to in the current directory.

Also sometimes you wish to tangle onlyh a subtree. This can be done easily by narrowing the buffer to the subtree using the commands , s n and tangle the buffer with , b t. Once that is done then you can widen back to see the entire file , s w.

run sudo commands in a specific directory

In the previous example, if you would like to execute the following command we would need to have elevated privileges. To overcome this we can add another header that will allow us to run sudo commands in the directory as seen below.

sudo apt-get install firefox

This will execute the commands in somedirectory. It should be noted that the directory path needs to be absolute and not relative. The sudo part can also be a remote machine as the underlying mechanisim used here is TRAMP.

further resources

There is a lot that can you leverage when using org mode and source blocks. ou can

  • :cache - allows you to avoid reevaluating the unchanged code blocks
  • :results - allows you to specify how the code will be displayed
  • :async - allows the code to be run asynchronously
  • :session - defines a session for the code to run in so that you can maintain state of evaluated code

This is an excellent blog post outlining the power of literate programming and what can be achieved. The same author also created a great video on writing technical documentation.

Also here is another video showcasing the use of REST client.


These are list of all the things and their configurations that I am using for my current computer setup.


This section can apply to both a linux installation as well as Windows Subsystem for Linux. A lot of the tools are really not required if emacs, as there are similar tools/packages/functions that can achieve much of the same.

  • firefox

    This is mainly useful for running notebooks/web development from within WSL. There is no browser installed by WSL by default.

    sudo apt-get install firefox
  • pandoc

    While org mode has inbuilt functions that export org files to formats that I require, pandoc takes it further an allows the possibility to convert org files to a greater amount of document types. To use this within spacemacs this needs to be added to the .spacemacs file as a layer pandoc.

    sudo apt-get install pandoc
  • fish shell

    Fish shell and Oh my fish are my preferred ways of using/configuring my shell. This is my preferred setup, as it looks nice and I like a lot of the auto complete features and nice history it provides. It also doesn’t require to much configuration. The only annoying this is that sometimes things just don’t work (especially scripts), but it easy to drop back to bash for those moments.

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:fish-shell/release-3
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install fish
    curl -L | fish
    omf theme agnoster
  • ripgrep

    Ripgrep is a faster version of grep. This also can be utilized by spacemancs when searching for text/files and is done by setting the default tool in the .spacemacs file.

    sudo apt-get install ripgrep
  • fd

    Fd is a faster version of find. Can be useful when wishing to search system wide for files.

    sudo apt-get install fd-find


Setting up python environment, which is my main programming language that I use.

install miniconda

I prefer to use miniconda just so it keeps the minimal as possible, and set up the python path nicely. I don’t use use conda command at prefer to use poetry (see below) for managing virtualenvs.

cd ~

install poetry

Poetry is my preferred way of managing virtualenvs as it allows for ease of packing up the code as well.

curl -sSL | python


Sometimes it might be required that I need to use a specific version of Python. This hasn’t come around too often, but Pyenv helps me manage python versions.

sudo apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \
     libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev\
     libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev python-openssl

git clone ~/.pyenv

echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo -e 'if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then\n eval "$(pyenv init -)"\nfi' >> ~/.bashrc



Clojure runs on the JVM, hence why we need to install java first before we can get install clojure

sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository --yes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y adoptopenjdk-11-hotspot
java -version


Now we can install clojure, once the JVM has been installed.

sudo apt-get install -y bash curl rlwrap
curl -O
chmod +x
sudo ./
clj --version

TODO npm & Clojurescript

To use clojurescript we need to install a few tools.

The first being NPM

Next we can install shadow-cljs so that we can us the NPM ecosystem for our clojurescript projects.

sudo apt install npm


Download the fonts from nerd fonts. However there a lot of fonts here, so to make it easier we only need to download the fonts that are relevant and place them in the appropriate folder location. The fonts can be downloaded from and can be viewed there as well.

An important note for `spacemacs` when you define the font it can be tricky to find out what the name of the of the font is called. The best way to determine what the name of the font is actually called is by opening up the tff file in Windows, and seeing in the dialog box what it is called.

cd /usr/local/share/fonts/

Windows Terminal

The settings.json file contains all the configuration for the windows terminal. This is the basic one that I have used that has some nice shortcuts for tab management.

Also note that the font needs to be installed on windows first before it can be used. See the Font section of this config file.

    "$schema": "",
    "defaultProfile": "{2c4de342-38b7-51cf-b940-2309a097f518}",
    "copyOnSelect": false,
    "copyFormatting": false,
                // Make changes here to the powershell.exe profile.
                "guid": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
                "name": "Windows PowerShell",
                "commandline": "powershell.exe",
                "hidden": false
                // Make changes here to the cmd.exe profile.
                "guid": "{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}",
                "name": "Command Prompt",
                "commandline": "cmd.exe",
                "hidden": false
                "guid": "{2c4de342-38b7-51cf-b940-2309a097f518}",
                "hidden": false,
                "name": "Ubuntu",
                "source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl",
                "colorScheme": "Monokai Cmder",
                "fontFace": "Hack Nerd Font Mono",
                "fontSize": 11
                "guid": "{b453ae62-4e3d-5e58-b989-0a998ec441b8}",
                "hidden": false,
                "name": "Azure Cloud Shell",
                "source": "Windows.Terminal.Azure"

    "schemes": [
            "name": "Monokai Cmder",
            "black": "#272822",
            "red": "#a70334",
            "green": "#74aa04",
            "yellow": "#b6b649",
            "blue": "#01549e",
            "purple": "#89569c",
            "cyan": "#1a83a6",
            "white": "#cacaca",
            "brightBlack": "#7c7c7c",
            "brightRed": "#f3044b",
            "brightGreen": "#8dd006",
            "brightYellow": "#cccc81",
            "brightBlue": "#0383f5",
            "brightPurple": "#a87db8",
            "brightCyan": "#58c2e5",
            "brightWhite": "#ffffff",
            "background": "#272822",
            "foreground": "#cacaca",
            "selectionBackground": "#cccc81",
            "cursorColor": "#ffffff"

        { "command": {"action": "copy", "singleLine": false }, "keys": "ctrl+c" },
        { "command": "paste", "keys": "ctrl+v" },

        // Press Ctrl+Shift+F to open the search box
        { "command": "find", "keys": "ctrl+f" },
        { "command": "newTab", "keys": "ctrl+t" },
        { "command": "nextTab", "keys": "ctrl+j" },
        { "command": "prevTab", "keys": "ctrl+k" },
        { "command": "closeTab", "keys": "ctrl+w" },

        // Press Alt+Shift+D to open a new pane.
        // - "split": "auto" makes this pane open in the direction that provides the most surface area.
        // - "splitMode": "duplicate" makes the new pane use the focused pane's profile.
        // To learn more about panes, visit
        { "command": { "action": "splitPane", "split": "auto", "splitMode": "duplicate" }, "keys": "alt+shift+d" }

Video Editing

Moving from using Adobe Premier Pro to DaVinci Resolve mainly because of the GPU enhancements provided with DaVinci Resolve and it is free version offers enough for me to work with. However the shortcuts that I am familar with are described below for future reference.


Command Name Shortcut Key Comments
Zoom In =
Zoom Out +
Ripple Delete Shift + D
Selection Follows Playhead D
Razor Ctrl + D
Reverse J
Stop K
Forward L
Frame Reverse H
Frame Forward ;
Clip Edit Previous Ctrl + H Command name for this is under the heading previous
Clip Edit Next Ctrl + ; Command name for this is under the heading next
Shift Clip Up Alt + Up Cannot modify this yet. It seems like a bug
Shift Clip Down Alt + Down Cannot modify this yet. It seems like a bug
Trim Start Q
Trim End W
Toggle Slip/Slide S
Nudge Left , Useful in Trim Mode with either slip/slide
Nudge Right . Useful in Trim Mode with either slip/slide



This is used for running an Xserver in WSL

export DISPLAY_NUMBER="0.0"
export DISPLAY=$(grep -m 1 nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'):$DISPLAY_NUMBER


Simple alias just to replace fdfind with fd

alias fdfind=fd


setting WORKON_HOME is required to switch between virtual envs from emacs the second line should part of the poetry installation process.

# Poetry setup
export WORKON_HOME="~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs"
export PATH="$HOME/.poetry/bin:$PATH"

this should be automatically put in as part of the installation process when install pyenv

export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"

if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
    eval "$(pyenv init -)"

fish shell

Launch fish shell when everything has set been setup. However it will not always be the case that has been set in .bashrc is available in fish shell. These would have to be set again explicitly in the fish sell config file.


A nice SO question of how set up alias and the different options available.

alias fdfind="fd"


.profile are meant to be run once, where as .bashrc are mean to run for each new session. However during the installation scripts of some of the software, they will put environment variables places you didn’t expect.

emacs --daemon
VISUAL='emacsclient -t'
export VISUAL


This is used to remap CAPSLOCK (66) to Left Control (Control_L)

clear lock
clear control
keycode 66 = Control_L
add control = Control_L Control_R


Currenlty Spacemacs is my main IDE for work and personal use. This was my gateway tool that got me into using Emacs. I have tried using doom Emacs, and roll my own config but I liked how easy it was to get up and running with Spacemacs with minimal configuration.

Another thing for using spacemacs was the ability to use the same key bindings in VSCODE using the VSpaceCode extension.

I have decided to use org-mode to manage my .spacemacs configuration. I haven’t done anything advanced, and tried to keep it a simple as possible for now. Currently I just want to document some of the reasonings for my configuration and be able to keep it one place.


Layer configuration: This function should only modify configuration layer settings. Ideally I would have liked to epxlain each of the layers what I was using and why, but I haven’t figured out a clean way to do this, while managing my configuration with org file.

(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
   dotspacemacs-distribution 'spacemacs
   dotspacemacs-enable-lazy-installation 'unused
   dotspacemacs-ask-for-lazy-installation t
   dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path '()


   (ranger :variables ranger-cleanup-on-disable t)
   (ibuffer :variables
             ibuffer-group-buffers-by 'modes)
   (python :variables
           python-test-runner 'pytest
           python-formatter 'black
           python-backend 'lsp
           python-lsp-server 'mspyls
           python-lsp-git-root "~/dev/python/python-language-server")

   (helm :variables
         helm-mode-fuzzy-match t
         helm-completion-in-region-fuzzy-match t)
   (colors :variables colors-enable-nyan-cat-progress-bar t)
   (org :variables
         org-want-todo-bindings t
         org-enable-hugo-support t)
   (shell :variables
           shell-default-shell 'vterm)
   (latex :variables
           latex-enable-auto-fill t
           latex-build-command "LaTeX")

   ;; version-control
   ;; (auto-completion :variables
   ;;                  auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip t
   ;;                  auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup 'manual)

   dotspacemacs-additional-packages '(pocket-reader

   dotspacemacs-frozen-packages '()
   dotspacemacs-excluded-packages '()
   dotspacemacs-install-packages 'used-only))


This function is called at the very beginning of Spacemacs startup, before layer configuration. It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings.

I haven’t changed much here, mostly cosmetic things such as themes and fonts.

(defun dotspacemacs/init ()
   dotspacemacs-enable-emacs-pdumper nil
   dotspacemacs-emacs-pdumper-executable-file "emacs-27.0.50"
   dotspacemacs-emacs-dumper-dump-file "spacemacs.pdmp"
   dotspacemacs-elpa-https t
   dotspacemacs-elpa-timeout 5
   dotspacemacs-gc-cons '(100000000 0.1)
   dotspacemacs-use-spacelpa nil
   dotspacemacs-verify-spacelpa-archives nil
   dotspacemacs-check-for-update nil
   dotspacemacs-elpa-subdirectory 'emacs-version
   dotspacemacs-editing-style 'vim
   dotspacemacs-verbose-loading nil
   dotspacemacs-startup-banner 'official
   dotspacemacs-startup-lists '((recents . 5)
                                (projects . 7))

   dotspacemacs-startup-buffer-responsive t
   dotspacemacs-scratch-mode 'text-mode
   dotspacemacs-initial-scratch-message nil

   dotspacemacs-themes '(

   dotspacemacs-mode-line-theme '(all-the-icons :separator wave :separator-scale 1.5)
   dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state t
   dotspacemacs-default-font '("Source Code Pro"
                               :size 16
                               :weight normal
                               :width normal)

   dotspacemacs-leader-key "SPC"
   dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key "SPC"
   dotspacemacs-ex-command-key ":"
   dotspacemacs-emacs-leader-key "M-m"
   dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key ","
   dotspacemacs-major-mode-emacs-leader-key "C-M-m"
   dotspacemacs-distinguish-gui-tab nil
   dotspacemacs-default-layout-name "Default"
   dotspacemacs-display-default-layout nil
   dotspacemacs-auto-resume-layouts nil
   dotspacemacs-auto-generate-layout-names nil
   dotspacemacs-large-file-size 1
   dotspacemacs-auto-save-file-location 'cache
   dotspacemacs-max-rollback-slots 5
   dotspacemacs-enable-paste-transient-state nil
   dotspacemacs-which-key-delay 0.4
   dotspacemacs-which-key-position 'bottom
   dotspacemacs-switch-to-buffer-prefers-purpose nil
   dotspacemacs-loading-progress-bar t
   dotspacemacs-fullscreen-at-startup nil
   dotspacemacs-fullscreen-use-non-native nil
   dotspacemacs-maximized-at-startup nil
   dotspacemacs-active-transparency 90
   dotspacemacs-inactive-transparency 90
   dotspacemacs-show-transient-state-title t
   dotspacemacs-show-transient-state-color-guide t
   dotspacemacs-mode-line-unicode-symbols t
   dotspacemacs-smooth-scrolling t
   dotspacemacs-line-numbers nil
   dotspacemacs-folding-method 'origami
   dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode nil
   dotspacemacs-smart-closing-parenthesis nil
   dotspacemacs-highlight-delimiters 'all
   dotspacemacs-enable-server nil
   dotspacemacs-server-socket-dir nil
   dotspacemacs-persistent-server nil
   dotspacemacs-search-tools '("rg" "ag" "pt" "ack" "grep")
   dotspacemacs-frame-title-format "%I@%S"
   dotspacemacs-icon-title-format nil
   dotspacemacs-whitespace-cleanup "trailing"
   dotspacemacs-zone-out-when-idle nil
   dotspacemacs-pretty-docs nil))


As you can see below not much is customized or added here by me. So have just copied and pasted directly from the default .spacemacs file.

(defun dotspacemacs/user-env ()
  "Environment variables setup.
This function defines the environment variables for your Emacs session. By
default it calls `spacemacs/load-spacemacs-env' which loads the environment
variables declared in `~/.spacemacs.env' or `~/.spacemacs.d/.spacemacs.env'.
See the header of this file for more information."

(defun dotspacemacs/user-init ()
  "Initialization for user code:
This function is called immediately after `dotspacemacs/init', before layer
It is mostly for variables that should be set before packages are loaded.
If you are unsure, try setting them in `dotspacemacs/user-config' first."

(defun dotspacemacs/user-load ()
  "Library to load while dumping.
This function is called only while dumping Spacemacs configuration. You can
`require' or `load' the libraries of your choice that will be included in the


This is the bulk of where my customization occurs. One of the issues that I have had is this has things in it, which I am sure what exactly it does. By switching to this org-mode configuration I am hoping to have a better idea of why I have some of these code snippets.

     (defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()

       (load-file "user-config.el")



(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook #'aggressive-indent-mode)
(setq clojure-indent-style 'align-arguments)
(setq clojure-align-forms-automatically t)


This section is only really relevant when running Emacs in Windows (i.e. not WSL). With the introduction of WSL as part of windows 10, this doesn’t seem so relevant now.

The main point of this was for spell checking in windows 10. Also included is a GUI prompt for when I am using git/ssh with a password. This wasn’t an issue when using linux.

 ((string-equal system-type "windows-nt")
    (setenv "GIT_ASKPASS" "git-gui--askpass")
    (setenv "SSH_ASKPASS" "git-gui--askpass")

    (setq ispell-program-name "~/Hunspell/bin/hunspell.exe")
    (setenv "LANG" "en_US")
    (setq ispell-chage-dictionary "en_US")
    (setq ispell-hunspell-dict-paths-alist
          '(("en_US" "~/Hunspell/share/hunspell/en_GB.aff")))


Eshell customization, however I have slowly migrated to using vterm as it meets most of my needs now. This is kept here for the occasional where I would like to explore eshell functionalities further.

;; Eshell
(defun shortened-path (path max-len)
  "Return a modified version of `path', replacing some components
with single characters starting from the left to try and get
the path down to `max-len'"
  (let* ((components (split-string (abbreviate-file-name path) "/"))
         (len (+ (1- (length components))
                 (reduce '+ components :key 'length)))
         (str ""))
    (while (and (> len max-len)
                (cdr components))
      (setq str (concat str (if (= 0 (length (car components)))
                              (string (elt (car components) 0) ?/)))
            len (- len (1- (length (car components))))
            components (cdr components)))
    (concat str (reduce (lambda (a b) (concat a "/" b)) components))))

(setq eshell-prompt-function
      (lambda ()
         (propertize "┌─[" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize (user-login-name) 'face `(:foreground "red"))
         (propertize "@" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize (system-name) 'face `(:foreground "purple"))
         (propertize "]──[" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize (format-time-string "%H:%M" (current-time)) 'face `(:foreground "yellow"))
         (propertize "]──[" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize (concat (shortened-path (eshell/pwd) 40)) 'face `(:foreground "white"))
         (propertize "]\n" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize "└─>" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize (if (= (user-uid) 0) " # " " $ ") 'face `(:foreground "green"))

(defun make-shell (name)
  "Create a shell buffer named NAME."
  (interactive "sName: ")
  (setq name (concat "eshell-" name))
  (rename-buffer name))


Require for my current blogging setup.

(use-package ox-hugo
  :ensure t
  :after ox)


(setq org-cycle-separator-lines 0)

(setq org-src-tab-acts-natively t)

   (python . t)
   (shell . t)
   (clojure . t)

(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
(setq org-directory "~/Dropbox/org/")

(setq org-agenda-files '("~/Dropbox/org/"

(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("t" "To Do Item" entry (file+headline "~/Dropbox/org/" "Inbox")
         "* TODO %?\nCREATED:%U" :prepend t)
        ("j" "Journal" entry (file+datetree+prompt "~/Dropbox/org/")
         "* %?\n %t")
        ("k" "knowledge" entry (file+olp+datetree "~/Dropbox/org/")
         "* %? %^g\n")
        ("d" "distracted" table-line (file+headline "~/Dropbox/org/" "Distractions")
        ("h" "habit" table-line (file+headline  "~/Dropbox/org/" "Habit")
        ("m" "mood" table-line (file+headline "~/Dropbox/org/" "Mood")

(setq org-archive-location "%s_archive::datetree/* Archived Tasks")


;; (require 'org-tempo)

(setq python-indent-guess-indent-offset nil)
(setq helm-show-completion-display-function #'helm-show-completion-default-display-function)
(setq-default buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)

Futher resources

There are some other interesting spacemac configurtations that I have come across that I would like to spend more time going through and copying some of the the relevant things across.

If I was ever to switch to doom emacs then this might worth considering

work computer stuff



Copy the following and add it to bitbucket

cat ~/.ssh/

install terraform

cd ~
sudo apt-get install unzip
mv terraform /usr/local/bin/terraform

rdp connection

This allows us to use a windows machine to connect to Ubuntu using Citrix and Remote Desktop Connection Most of the information is from here:

sudo apt-get install xorg dbus-x11 x11-xserver-utils
sudo apt-get install xrdp

sudo adduser xrdp ssl-cert
sudo systemctl restart xrdp

sudo ufw allow 3389
# or
sudo ufw allow from to any port 3389

sudo systemctl enable xrdp
There is also an issue with regards an authentication popup that occurs when you lock the sreen, and when you login initially.

The information is contained here:

Two files need to be created:

In /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/ there needs to be two files.


[Allow Colord all Users]


[Allow Package Management all Users]

display monitors go blank

If this happens generally all that is required is an update of the packages and a restart The nvidia drivers are what get updated, and this usually fixes the issue

look at xrandr and arandr to further debug the problem if the following doesn’t fix it

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

ubuntu workstations

apt update;
sudo apt-get install landscape-client;
sudo landscape-config -t hostname --account-name visma-it-communications-as --tags=Country-Norway, Division-IT_and_Hosting, Desktop, Legal_Unit-Visma_ITC, Organization-Visma_ITC, Team-Process_Automation, Team_Code-507, Username-Sivaharan_Rajkumar --script-users nobody, landscape, root --silent --registration-key=ec220ec878ec97c4a6c6808d1894e691

Home Assistant

Home Assistant configuration. How this is set up is described with How the automations are set up are described here.

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

  access_token: !secret tibber_token


- platform: generic_thermostat
  name: Ania Office Heater
  heater: switch.kitchen_1
  target_sensor: sensor.ania_office
  min_temp: 16.0
  max_temp: 25.0
  ac_mode: False
  target_temp: 20.0
  cold_tolerance: 0.0
  hot_tolerance: 0.0
  initial_hvac_mode: "off"
  away_temp: 16

- platform: generic_thermostat
  name: Bedroom Heater
  heater: switch.bedroom
  target_sensor: sensor.bedroom
  min_temp: 16.0
  max_temp: 25.0
  ac_mode: False
  target_temp: 20.0
  cold_tolerance: 0.0
  hot_tolerance: 0.0
  initial_hvac_mode: "off"
  away_temp: 16

- platform: generic_thermostat
  name: Hallway Heater
  heater: switch.hallway
  target_sensor: sensor.living_room
  min_temp: 16.0
  max_temp: 25.0
  ac_mode: False
  target_temp: 20.0
  cold_tolerance: 0.0
  hot_tolerance: 0.0
  initial_hvac_mode: "off"
  away_temp: 16

- platform: generic_thermostat
  name: Kitchen Heater
  heater: switch.kitchen_2
  min_temp: 16.0
  max_temp: 25.0
  ac_mode: False
  target_temp: 20.0
  cold_tolerance: 0.0
  hot_tolerance: 0.0
  initial_hvac_mode: "off"
  away_temp: 16

- platform: generic_thermostat
  name: Living Room L Heater
  heater: switch.living_room_l
  target_sensor: sensor.living_room
  min_temp: 16.0
  max_temp: 25.0
  ac_mode: False
  target_temp: 20.0
  cold_tolerance: 0.0
  hot_tolerance: 0.0
  initial_hvac_mode: "off"
  away_temp: 16

- platform: generic_thermostat
  name: Living Room R Heater
  heater: switch.living_room_r
  target_sensor: sensor.living_room
  min_temp: 16.0
  max_temp: 25.0
  ac_mode: False
  target_temp: 20.0
  cold_tolerance: 0.0
  hot_tolerance: 0.0
  initial_hvac_mode: "off"
  away_temp: 16

- platform: generic_thermostat
  name: Siv Office Heater
  heater: switch.siv_office_2
  target_sensor: sensor.siv_office
  min_temp: 16.0
  max_temp: 25.0
  ac_mode: False
  target_temp: 20.0
  cold_tolerance: 0.0
  hot_tolerance: 0.0
  initial_hvac_mode: "off"
  away_temp: 16

TODO mu4e

Check the video and see if it will be useful to set up email integration in emacs


  • extensions that I user
  • python setup

No longer Used

These are just listing packages/tools that I no longer use and the reasonings as to why.

  • Leiningen

    Leiningen is essentially the defacto standard in how to build tools, however it seems like there are other alternative approches that make using tool no longer a necessity.

    sudo apt-get install -y curl
    curl > lein
    sudo mv lein /usr/local/bin/lein
    sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/lein
    lein version
  • tldr

    tldr provides a nicer manual pages than the defaults. This was removed as I don’t to use this tool too much as I don’t live on the command line, and generally I would google any issues I have with a command line tool.

    sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/tldr
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tldr
  • bat

    This provides a nicer version of cat. Though I don’t seem to be using this much, and if anything I would just you vim/emacs to see the file so I can get a nice features that I would need.

    Need to install cargo first

    sudo cargo install --locked bat
  • autojump

    Autojump is a better cd though I don’t seem to be using it too much as I usually do everything in emacs.

    sudo apt-get install autojump
    echo '. /usr/share/autojump/' >> ~/.bashrc
  • neofetch

    Neofetch provides a nice launch screen in your terminal. Nothing really that useful, an mainly cosmetic.

    sudo apt-get install neofetch
  • exa

    Exa provides a nicer ls. Not being used as I get something similar within Emacs.

    sudo apt-get install -y cargo
    cargo install exa
    # add /home/dilzeem/.cargo/bin to path